Coming soon!

Coming soon!
By joining the Connecticut Chapter of the AAML, you are opening the door to myriad opportunities. You will have access to excellent seminars and networking events in addition to having the ability to give back to the field. If you are interested in applying to the Connecticut Chapter of the Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, please contact any of our members.
CCAAML provides Connecticut’s premier family law educational programs and is looking forward to hosting their Biennial Seminar in May of 2023. The Academy and its local Chapters join other leading organizations to host seminars around the country with renowned experts in the field of family law.
We provide unique resources for our members that further their own practicing of matrimonial law. By joining up with other accomplished attorneys, you will have access to their knowledge and experiences in addition to the curated resources that our organization provides. Overall, everything you have access to ensures the advancement of family law.